My wife being vegetarian made restaurants difficult to find, but we found that even when nothing was offered on the menu, they were always willing to try to help. In general, we did not have many very memorable meals – but our choice of restaurants was restricted. We would often seek out the only pizza place in town – hardly authentic. We did enjoy many pastries from great bakeries. It’s like French baking, with a distinctly Tunisian twist.My wife being vegetarian made restaurants difficult to find, but we found that even when nothing was offered on the menu, they were always willing to try to help. In general, we did not have many very memorable meals – but our choice of restaurants was restricted. We would often seek out the only pizza place in town – hardly authentic. We did enjoy many pastries from great bakeries. It’s like French baking, with a distinctly Tunisian twist.My wife being vegetarian made restaurants difficult to find, but we found that even when nothing was offered on the menu, they were always willing to try to help. In general, we did not have many very memorable meals – but our choice of restaurants was restricted. We would often seek out the only pizza place in town – hardly authentic. We did enjoy many pastries from great bakeries. It’s like French baking, with a distinctly Tunisian twist.